FORS Tacho Service 

FORS Tacho Service, a new simple to use tachograph analysis software package designed to help streamline driver and vehicle data reporting. FORS Tacho Service features the most modern and intuitive tachograph analysis software on the market provided by FORS Affinity Partner Transport Data Interchange Limited (TDI).


Why choose FORS Tacho Services?

Fulfill FORS Bronze requirement D7  – Working time and drivers’ hours with ease

Increase accuracy and streamline reporting process

Reduce administration time

Reduce infringement rates

Take advantage of discounted rates for FORS members  

Access a modern, intuitive tachograph analysis platform    


Pricing table 

FORS Tacho Service is offering a two months FREE trial to FORS Members

Key benefits


In using the FORS Tacho Services you are engaging with Transport Data Interchange Limited whose full corporate details are TRANSPORT DATA INTERCHANGE LIMITED, Company Number 03238366 and whose registered office is at Coney Green Business Centre Wingfield View, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S45 9JW. No contractual relationship exists between the user and the FORS Provider (the FORS Concessionaire). The FORS Provider makes no representation and gives no warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any data or information that is provided by Transport Data Interchange Limited.