FORS has launched online toolkit to show how FORS helps supply chain quality assurance

FORS has launched online toolkit to show how FORS helps supply chain quality assurance

FORS has launched a Specifiers Toolkit to demonstrate to supply chains how specifying FORS helps show quality assurance.

The new FORS Specifiers Toolkit is now available on the FORS website. It has been designed to assist supply chain decision makers interested in learning how the scheme can simplify quality assurance required for commercial vehicles, either to complete a project or as a long-term contractor.

Paul Wilkes, FORS Business Services Manager said, “When FORS is written into a contract, it sets a standard to which all commercial vehicles entering a site, or delivering a service within a borough, must meet – from tipper trucks to minibuses. This helps organisations or large-scale build projects who sub-contract their transport operations, ensure their road transport fleet is safer, smarter and greener.”

The online tool explores the simple steps an organisation can take to build FORS into a procurement contract, including providing sample contract clauses. It notes the range of support available to organisations who chose to work with FORS, including the FORS Overseer Dashboard, and details how FORS complements other schemes, including Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS).

You can check out the FORS Specifiers toolkit here.